The SCFA is the Board representing the Swiss professional astronomers. It is composed essentially of the directors of the various Swiss astronomical institutes and of the presidents of the Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy (SSAA) and of the Swiss Committee on Space Research (CSR), as well as the IAU contact person.
Schweizerische Kommission für Astronomie (SCFA)
c/o Prof. Dr. Philippe Jetzer
Physik Institut
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zürich
To allow proper exchange of information between the two commissions, the SCFA President is in principle also member of the CSR and the CSR President is member of the SCFA. The SSAA President is also a member of the SCFA.
The Swiss Scientific Delegate to the ESO Council for a first term of three years (2024-2026) is Prof. Francesco Pepe.
The Swiss representative on the ESO Users Committee for a first term of three years (2023-2025) is Prof. Xavier Dumusque.
The Swiss Scientific Delegate to the ESA Science Programme Committee is Prof. Stéphane Paltani.
The Swiss representatives in the Committee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies (CRAF) are currently Dr. Axel Murk and Prof. Susanne Wampfler (Uni Bern).
The Swiss delegate to the Einstein Telescope Board is Prof. Anastasios Fragkos (Uni. of Geneva).
Prof. Jean-Paul Kneib (EPFL) is representing Switzerland as an observer in ASTRONET.
The SCFA maintains a list of all professors in astronomy in Swiss academic institutions, which constitutes the College of Helvetic Astronomy Professors (CHAPS).