TRAINING (2.4.1)

La SCFA rappresenta come gruppo di lavoro gli interessi degli astronomi svizzeri. La commissione è principalmente composta dai direttori delle istituzioni svizzere che si occupano di astronomia.

Immagine: ESO

Astronomy Roadmaps

SERI asked the SCFA in 2006 to produce a first Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland 2007-2016 in order to facilitate political decisions related to the long-term scientific policy of Switzerland in relation to astronomy. An update of this roadmap was produced in 2015 and a new roadmap for research and infrastructure in the period 2025–2028 and beyond was released in March 2022. It is complementary to the space report prepared in 2019 by the Swiss Committee on Space Research (CSR). All four documents are available below toghether with a report of 2017 on large astronomical facilities.