TRAINING (2.4.1)

La SCFA rappresenta come gruppo di lavoro gli interessi degli astronomi svizzeri. La commissione è principalmente composta dai direttori delle istituzioni svizzere che si occupano di astronomia.

Immagine: ESO

COSPAR report 2018-2020: Space Research in Switzerland

The Swiss space research community is very active and a reliable partner in space research activities. On the occasion of the 43rd COSPAR Assembly in Sydney, Australia, the Swiss National Committee on Space Research takes this opportunity to report on its activities to the international community.

COSPAR: space research in Switzerland 2018-2020
Immagine: SCNAT

Fonte: N Thomas, S Nyeki (2020) Space Research in Switzerland 2018 – 2020 Swiss Academies Communications 15 (10)

